say you want to buy an electric car?

Funny thing about solar farm construction, in Californnia anyway. They cover hundreds of acres, and "cover" is the propper word to use. Usually they are located in very rural unwanted desert territory. It's wanted by the creatures that formerly lived there. A biologist watches every phase of the construction to "protect" these creatures. WTH do they think is going to happen to those lovely creatures when they "shade" their former residence 24 hours per day? It has to change the environment. I get that the desert environment is expendable to ecologists at UC Berkley or at the State Capitol. They don't like looking at it. Kind of hypocrytical when you chase the dune buggies/MC/ATV out of Dumont or Glamis or Pismo because "they" are ruining the environment and approve thousands of acres of environmental change in the name of $ for PG&E or SDG&E or SCE. Ok? Who put me on this soap box? One good thing. If you invested in the Chinese producers of the vast majority of solar panels, you did well.