1970 Dart Wiper Blade Refills

Avoid the Trico refills unless you have Trico blades. The Trico package says 15 inch but their plastic 'H' backer is cut about a 1/8 short and chisel pointed at the end. That end wont stay in the Anco blade clip. Since I had purchased 4 Trico refills and couldn't return for refund, I transferred the rubber squeegee part from 2 Trico backer to my used Anco plastic 'H' backers. In that process I found the Trico had their squeegee barely staked into the plastic. The Anco had been staked together at a bunch of places.
I guess I'll do that again someday as I still have another new pair of the Trico refills.

Amazon might have the best deal on Anco refills. UR-15 or 15-UR. UR is universal refill and they might have changed that ID . They'll have a shinny little metal clip/keeper at one end but that does work in the older Anco blade. That blade has a button to separate it and 2 ends turned down that captured the original filler? That's how mine are made. Straighten the turned down ends and slide their universal refill in. Tweak the one lower end cleat slightly if necessary to get the 'H' and the clip fitted in it.
I went to a lot of effort to prevent a piece of crap refill from causing a scratch in my nearly new windshield. I just put some effort into preventing a scratch in your windshield too.

I think you are correct with the different part number. The closest I could find was this

ANCO U-Series Wiper Blade Refills U15R

More Information for ANCO U15R

This is what the original blades look like:


Definitely no clip, but if the U15R can be modified to work, I will stock up on them...

Thanks for your help!