Homegrown trim restore

Since you brought this thread back to life I had a question about the rye. Was this a powder or a liquid. And how did you mix % wise? also how long did you soak your parts before pulling out and rinsing?
Thanks Rod
It's a powder. Picture of the lye is on page one.
To be honest I can't remember the percent of mix... it's been awhile. I used a plasitc container, mixed it up, and dipped the parts. You'll see if you have enough lye if the anodizing isn't dissolving. Enough water to just cover the parts. It wasn't that technical ... just take the parts out ever so often and see how things are going.

When you get to the buffing part using a buffer wheel be careful. You're actually removing some of the aluminum to get a shine...so it might get thin in places. I noticed that on one of my pieces.