Questions on recent alignment

Um, we already know the alignment is wrong. We know for absolutely sure there isn't enough toe in, which will cause the car to wander. And we know there's very little positive caster, which will also cause the car to wander. And we know there's too much cross-caster, which will cause the car to pull. We don't know which side it's going to pull to because the OP hasn't said which side has which caster number, and he's switched from saying it pulled right to it pulls left. But it's gonna pull.

The alignment is wrong regardless. Maybe the suspension and ride height won't support more caster, but that just means it's going to tend to wander unless more caster is added. That's why so many folks add the offset bushings. +1* of caster and radials don't go well together, especially with a worm/ball steering set up with a dead spot in the middle. It's going to wander if that's the best you can do for caster. Adding some toe in will help, but the caster is going to limit how helpful that is.

Also, if the tires are worn the tires can cause the pull too. Correcting the alignment doesn't fix the wear pattern on the tires once it's established.

Here's an article that explains all this better

AGCO Automotive Repair Service - Baton Rouge, LA - Detailed Auto Topics - Wheel Alignment, Camber and Caster