say you want to buy an electric car?

So tell me where do your biases lie? Electric vehicles = a bigger drain (no pun intended ) on the environment based on the impact of strip mining for the raw materials to make just the batteries alone, and the added strain on the electrical supply grid to refuel them. These are not biases sir these are irrefutable facts. Sure it all harms the environment, however in the end the electric car will ultimately have a bigger environmental impact than a gasoline powered one, which by the way can be retrofitted to run cleaner burning natural gas of which we have an abundance here in the U.S.

Theres no such thing as zero emissions vehicle, all the manufacturing has to be figured in as well as where it fuel is being produced. unless you want to walk everywhere or ride a bicycle. If you want to believe in zero emissions then go ahead. Should i presume you believe in unicorn farts and pixie dust too.