say you want to buy an electric car?

Would you think differently if you and your relatives were the ones being exploited like what the article says is going on over in the congo? Your phoo phooing me because i read it and you act like its made up bullshit that i am believing. The reality is the people in that part of the world are exploited for just about everything. It was once slave labor, then precious stones, now its raw materials for batteries. UNESCO is so ******* useless that **** like that will continue to go on.

And how balanced is it really. Tell us the flip side of the coin. You say we have layed out all the negatives for you. So please, please tell us all the positives to an electric car. I am on the edge of my seat in anticipation. You say its unbalanced. So Obiwan balance it for us.
I never said that the electric car had big positives.
If you have read the whole thread you would know my responses have reflected that.