say you want to buy an electric car?

I dont believe we should be there in the first place. The saudis use petro dollars to export wahhabism, the iranians export salafism both are extremest forms of islam. The ememy of my enemy is my friend. The U.S. made the wrong choice to side with Saudi Arabia. Not saying siding w the iranians is any better. IMHO The solution lies in pulling out of the middle east, letting israel handle its security threats how it sees fit, and pump as much oil as possible out of the ground and onto the market to drop the price to where these middle eastern kingdoms cannot support themselves. 90% of their infrastructure is run on oil money. Its a straw house Their people will riot when the free gravy train from their gubment comes to a halt. Let em kill each other off, dont allow them to import and populate here especially in large numbers either. Where theres wahabbism and salafism ya got problems. Its the muslim version of the hatfields and mccoys. No U.S. intervention will ever solve it.
And although your opinion and solutions are valid (concerning middle East involvement) there are no remarks that reflect the atrocities attached to oil, only one side, about electric cars.