say you want to buy an electric car?

The child post was the one sided view of cobalt mining. There is no other view posted. So if a person is siding with the "oh the poor kids mining" without giving a nod to the thousands of lives and kids affected by PTSD fathers coming hinge from war..... them it is a one sided narrow view.... nothing personal ok? You are smart. Just trying (failing) to show that people are seeing a side that suits them.
That is a good flip side to the coin. However how can one type of human suffering be any different than another. I am not comparing ptsd and our soldiers lost lives to atrocities from cobalt mining in the congo.

I dont believe any one type of suffering is any greater or less great than the other. Yes it all sucks, however it brings to light the child exploitation used for the raw materials for electric car batteries.

Oil on the other hand coupled with clean burning natural gas of which the U.S. has an abundance of can allow us to be self sufficient. No middle east involvement no dead, maimed, or ptsd suffering U.S. servicemen.