Mueller metal buildings

My 4 post topped out i can fit my 92 chevy 4x4 with a cap. 13 feet if i recall. Topped out is too high to do any work. If you have a lower ceiling, and all you work on is cars then great. One major shortfall in my shop, i cant open overhead door all the way if i have my truck on hoist. 10 foot tall door means set hoist 10 feet away from door. I cant as shop is too short.
The pre fab buildings leave a lot to be desired, post frame and metal siding is someting that can be tailored to your needs.

Never heard anybody say the shop is too big.

Swap it out with a drum type roll up door to correct that problem you have and not block your overhead lighting or your lift when your door is open. I never liked hinge and panel doors on rollers and tracks except for a main home garage. They take up too much space overhead. My 9x18 was about $800 if i remember correctly. Rolls up smoothly with a hand operated chain