say you want to buy an electric car?

Well you lost me then, what are conflicts about then?

It certainly isn't commodities. We have enough oil here to be independent. Our known reserves. We can feed ourselves, and the world if we want to. In fact, in 1934-35 (I don't recall the exact year but that's close) FDR had all the 1 year old pigs killed. Had he let them mature and come to market, pork would have had zero value. The US can produce enough pork to make it effectively worthless on world markets. That's a historical fact. Same with cotton and any other commodities.

We can clothe ourselves. We can build our homes. We can build anything we want.

So why fight wars over something so senseless as commodities? No doubt in the world wars oil became problematic. It's not that you run out, it's that there are embargoes, bombing oil fields (Ploeste comes to mind...I'm sure I could think of others) and rail lines and also refining becomes an issue.

Other than that, oil is just not worth fighting for. And as I pointed out, neither are virtually any other commodities.

War has a far more subtle, sublime reason.