say you want to buy an electric car?

But aren't the first two arguably commodities? And the actual goods and services that are generated to fuel a war machine are commodities as well. You are right there is seemingly an underlying reason that cloaks the real meaning.

Anyway, electric cars may have a place. Maybe it's just in more populated areas where infrastructure is more accessible, and short distances are more common. I do not like the subsidy issue or children being used for slave labor, I dunno. I'm looking forward to finishing the barracuda.

Thanks for the conversation. I'm hitting the hay.

The first two certainly can be considered commodities but for the purposes of our discussion, they really are not. It's because it's not a conventional land grab in the sense we usually think of. It's not to use people in the sense we think of when we consider imperialism and such things.

You have to look at the big picture. It's not just one thing, but many things that come together for the purpose of...

Also, don't forget to consider the parasites who jump in a war to get what they can. They may certainly influence a war, or even may campaign for war, just to get their part of the pie.