Timing problem

I'm not sure where you live, if they have a gas tank/radiator shop. But in the city I live in, they have one that can boil the old tank in some kind of solution that gets that 7 year old dried up gas out of the tank. Then they coat it with some kind of tough sealant and I had that done about 14 years ago. Still works great. No bad gas at all has re-contaminated my fuel and the coating is as good as the day they put it in. I didn't know yours had sat for 7 years. Yeah, you gotta get all that dried up gas out or get a new tank. Is your fuel line rusted? My Duster sat for 15 years, the original fuel line had rusted pretty badly. I replaced it, along with the tank. I replaced it with a used tank, but had it cleaned and coated inside. I use straight 30w in the summer and 10w30 in the winter. I really don't think it needs the 20w50, anyone else have some input there?

Did you change the plugs yet? Champion Copper Top work good for me, you will definitely need new spark plug wires, I would replace the ballast resistor too. If you have the time and money, go ahead and replace the water pump and thermostat, the water pump has grease in the bearings that has probably dried up too. It will be going out on you shortly. The thermostat spring is probably not going to function properly after sitting that long either, and will be going out shortly. The radiator should be fine if it had 50/50 water/rad fluid. I don't think 7 years would hurt that, but I do think you should at least grease the U-joints, that is probably where your vibration is coming from, may need to replace both of them, and change the grease in the rear end because it is old now too.

After all that, shweew, you may need to replace stuff here and there, but that is all the stuff I can think of that would be affected by sitting for 7 years, oh, the front wheel bearings will need to at least be re-greased and grease the front end joints. All the parts with grease in them will have dried up after sitting that long.

Then you should have a top running machine. It's better to replace this stuff now before it goes out on you that break down somewhere with an over heated engine, or dropping a drive shaft, for example. I had to replace all this stuff and more on my Duster after it sat for 15 years, but that was twice as long as yours sat. But still, all the grease is dry by now.