Requesting cooling/radiator/fan help for a slant six

As to that test; I lost all faith in those guys the day I saw that video.
Ok ;Edit
how many of us are running direct drive fans on our performance engines, in order to try to incur as much power loss as possible?

Or, on a slanty which barely makes any heat in the first place.
Ok, maybe that blanket is a bit big;
I've only had 4 slantys. None of them ever made decent heat in winter; -25*C to -38*C up here in Manitoba.I think that converts to -13*F to -35*F. Up here,that little 4 blader is more than sufficient in winter to air-cool the beast with the rad completely blocked, a proven 195 stat, a recently overhauled engine,and a new heater core. At least that was my experience.
During one winter, I even took the 4-blader off, during the coldest part of winter.The heater core was the sole heat-exchanger! I don't recall how hot the engine ran, but I could finally see out the window. Ok that's a bit of an exageration, so; I could finally take my mits
But maybe 4 slantys is too small a sample. I don't know why I got all of them tho.

And I'll concede that in summer I have overheated one of them. But it still ran 11 miles @ about 40mph, with very little water in it and didn't seem to suffer any long-term damage.
That one was my fault tho, I put a 13# cap on the 1980 radiator, and 11 miles later; POOF!, it popped a 3 inch rupture in the top tank.I don't know what I was thinking,lol. So now after the repair,it runs a 7 pounder, like the rest of my Mopes.