Requesting cooling/radiator/fan help for a slant six

I swapped mine out of a 80s Dakota. Idling for fifteen mins waiting on my slow kids to drag *** out of school the temp gauge goes from p to the m. 170 slant in a 65 Val and direct drive fan. I constantly worry it'll overheat. I know it won't because i keep constant watch on it. Used to puke fluid from time to time but since I added a reservoir out of a newer galant (nicely tucked away and hidden) it has amazingly kept the temp from fluctuating as fast. Having to put fluid in it every so often gets old. Champion makes good radiators, worry about the price later.

About the motor trend test though, how many of us have swapped a motor and went out banging away at it??? I have. To broke from buying parts to get an electric fan or different fan at all. But by god I got a new Holley!!!! That carb was more important than the fan blade imo. Lol.