Would you be upset, should I be?

People can be real A-holes over getting a deal on car parts.

A guy that I believe frequents thi forum occasionally, and who makes his money flipping Mopar parts, snapped at me at a swap meet earlier this year.

A guy pulls up with a trailer of trans stuff, and I had been hunting an Abody 4spd. So as I'm standing there looking over the stuff, along with several other shoppers, the aforementioned guy asks the owner of the parts what he wants for the 4spd trans, in a very quiet tone. I can't quite here the owners response, so I politely ask "what was the price again". To which "guy" rudely snaps back "I'm making a deal here!". This pissed me off, so I simply responded "my hands aren't in your pocket". And I walked back to my vending spot.

Now he came up to me and apologized a few hours later, which I do appreciate, but the impression was already made. Is the guy a bad person? No, I don't believe so. Did he overreact? Yes, I think so.

I've seen this a lot at swap meets. Everybody wants to get the best deal, which I get. However, I think we should make an effort to be cordial and understanding of each other. Especially considering our shared interests.