Dipstick tube in the freezer?? Anyone done this?

So, I am a dipstick install away from firing my new 440 in the car. Of course, it's too tight(repop tube). The last thing I want to do is crack it obviously. I sanded the damn thing for an eternity today. Still super tight. I was just reading about people putting the tube in the freezer overnight to shrink the metal for an easier install. Has anyone successfully done this? Bad idea? Seems like it would shrink it but also make it brittle also. Thanks in advance for any help.
While I don't ever remember using that trick in a dip stick, I have used that trick on exhaust pipe. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.... I stuck the pipe in the snow and the muffler on top of the Kerosene heater. Let them sit for a bit, took out the baby sledge, stacked the pipe on top of the muffler, WHAMO!
No welding needed.

For the dip stick tube, I have done similar to the above grinding and lube. WD-40 coated the very carefully grinder down tube. Light pressure while rotating the tube.

Original tubes maybe a bit loose. RTV was used. I haven't had an issue with ether yet.