Reusing stretched timing set....?

They slack out as much in the first 1000 miles. Under the circumstances, I give my thumbs up on re using the 360s chain , but I'd degree it. We're just prolonging the life of junk, not a race engine.
If you have it laying around anyway, what else are you going to use it on? This is why you save decent/okay used parts.
I would install it maybe the 4 degrees advanced and forget about it.
It's just a thrown together thing anyway, and you have the tensioner to boot.
Don't over think this, it'll be a lot better than what you had, and will last trouble free for a long time..........
I'm all about using GOOD used parts if you are on a budget, that's how i built my Dart Sport, and is the reason i am driving it instead of still building it!
It ain't going to blow up if you do this!