Practically acosted at Home Depot:D

i know im fighting against the tide...but it is a fight worth fighting
we're all sinners, myself included, but some sins incur a harsher penalty then others
take the life of Moses, for example
in Exodus 2:12 we find him killing an egyptian slavedriver and there is no penalty issues from God
BUT in Numbers 20:11 we see Moses smite a rock, when God had instructed him to speak to it, and God punishes Moses by forbidding him to enter the promised land
God is in fact saying that Moses' life goal, to lead the people into Canaan will not be accomplished and he will DIE in the wilderness

now, what then, was the big difference between striking the Egyptian and striking the rock?
1st Corinthians 10:4 tells us "that rock was Christ"

so God puts a high premium on people destroying the image of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God and if you destroy his image, you are in fact destroying the milemarkers to salvation

now, consider, Ephesians 5:25 for a moment:
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Marriage, is a picture of Christ
sodomites undermine and destroy marriage and in doing so, destroy the picture of Christ and His church and God does not take that lightly

so i dare say, that sodomy is a sin not to be taken lightly

what IS to be taken lightly is the claim that "they are everywhere and it is just human nature"
"they" are not, and it is not, it is a perversion of healthy God given human sexuality, just like pedophilia or necrophilia

it is a choice, the choice to rebel against God and give into the flesh, seeking a unnatural gratification and a shortcut to a happiness God has designed for marriage

it is NOT however, unforgivable, or incurable
just like my own evil deeds, it has allready been paid for by the precious blood of Christ Jesus, and if the person involved in this will only accept the fact he or she is a sinner, who is rebelling against a Holy God and is willing to admit this, God is willing to apply the Blood of His Precious son to their account and declare them forgiven

of course, forgiveness does not mean there will be no consequences

I see you quoting lots of passages except "Judge not lest ye be judged"
And Jesus didn't give his life for anything.
He was tortured, taunted and his life was brutally taken from him by people that judged.
Live your own life the way you feel is right and maybe try harder not to judge other people's lives and business as moral or not.
It'll put you closer to God so I hear.