Haven't laughed this hard in a while...

As if voting matters.....................................That ship has sailed.
Here in Canada, It's been the same since about the time Trudeau the elder got in. Our choices are usually between 3 candidates that usually run on slur campaigns.That's not right.
And the little promises they make are always forgotten until 3 minutes before they retire, and that's not right.
Then they retire on a lifetime pension check,and that's definitely not right
So which pile do we vote for?
I think our leaders are puppets to a shadow government, so it does not matter who I vote for, the agenda of the shadow government will rule.Perhaps this shadow government even conspires to install whom ever they want.
Now, you might think I've been watching too much internet. But I figured this out long before the internet existed.
You might think I'm nuts.But ask yourself, how long has it been since the government was for the people.For some of you, the last time may have been before you were even born.....
The only time I vote is in an attempt to get rid of a certain particularly evil candidate, hoping above all hope that there are others like me. That's just not right.
So go ahead and vote,see if it matters.
I don't participate in very many many political discussions...but will say this...one thing my dad told me many years ago....the voting process is always picking the lesser of two evils...I think he was pretty much spot on...