starting issue

Well it seems kindof obvious that the primaries are not closed.
Either the throttle is hung up on the choke system, or the throttle cable is stuck/misadjusted,or there is something jammed in the throttle blades.
I love TQs.

And I vote it's the choke system, cuz that lower screw should be sitting waaay further down. Or I suppose it could be that the cable is anchored in a 2bbl bracket, and that would be a bad. The only way to make a stock 2bbl anchor work is to clamp the cable on the sheath, and that is a no-no.

So my tip is to 1) disconnect the throttle cable from the arm, and if the throttle does not snap shut, then 2)to disconnect the choke mechanism, on the passenger side and push down gently on the fast idle arm, and the throttle should snap shut.
If the throttle blades are still hung open, you will need to inspect the secondary link-rod, and if that is OK, then
the throttle blades would have to have become loose on the shaft and shifted.To correct this, the baseplate would need to be removed.

OOps I missed one. If the accelerator pump is hung up or the link rod was bent, I suppose it could lead to this situation. But in the pic, it looks OK.