Advice on Changing Pads in a Parking lot

Update: I've got the pads in all around, but had to take the thin metal shield off of the backs of the driver's side pads, just couldn't get them to go in with them in. Is that okay for 1000 miles? At this point, I'm just hoping I can get these brakes to last me until december when I can really dig in to in my garage at home. Once I get some lunch and the weather cools down a bit, I'm gonna double check the passenger side and take her for a test drive.
Also, the passenger side pads were down to metal (i know, gotta fix the rotors, but it actually sounds like the machine shop at school might be able to help with that) but the driver's side pads were looking like they were barely used, maybe 2-3mm down from the brand new pads. So somewhere, the proportioning must be off REALLY badly. I knew the car pulled to the right under braking, but I didn't realize it was only being pulled by that caliper. No idea how the proportioning happens, so input there would be helpful.
Fortunately working on a muscle car in a parking lot attracts other car guys, so I met a dude with a GTI that said he's got a bunch of tools and is willing to help, so that's a plus.