I Had My Back Surgery

Last Monday I had a laminectomy on l2- l5 and I'm in recovery mode now.
There were pinched nerve roots on my left and right side too as well as my spinal nerves. Also I have a herniated disc that didn't show up on the MRI I had done either.
It seams like the leg pain is not there anymore but maybe to early to tell for sure.
I walked for the first time Saturday without a walker and I'm taking 325mgs. of oxycodone now from the 650mgs. every 4 hours I was taking last week.
Friday the 8th. the staples come out and I start therapy on the 10th.
This is gonna hurt a long time I'm afraid.

Hoping for a quick recovery for you.The only advise I can give is to give up the oxycodone as soon as you possibly can. I didn't and am now trying to kick an addiction that has a firm grasp on me.