has anyone made a clutch for adjusting rod?

My son was out cruising the other day in his 70 Duster and his clutch fork adjusting rod or spoon, ( part from Z bar to end of clutch fork ) snapped in half, unfortunately it was in a crappy spot on a hill on a narrow road so we had to tow it home, I had another one but it is too short, in fact the one we had was too short by an inch so we had it lengthened on the non threaded part but that is not where it broke, anyway there is no way I can get one delivered in time for a car show I am hosting next week and wanted the car in it, has anyone made one?, looks pretty simple except for the spoon end where it is pretty flat on the Z bar, I was thinking of a turn buckle then heating the round end to beat it flat enough to fit on the Z bar?, ideas?, I know Brewers has them and I have bought parts from them before, ( great company ) but where I am in Canada it takes a minimum of a week to get anything across the boarder and I only see there's in a kit for $45.00 which is about $125.00 cdn by the time the smoke clears with S@H, brokerage, exchange etc, I am looking for a quick way around this until I get the right one, the car comes off the road in a month anyway for the winter, thanks.