non paying customers .

The outfit I worked for "pre liened" most every project we shipped material to. I don't recall them ever having to use it to recover their money, but I was pretty low on the information totem pole. Cash customers were "check in hand" before the material hits the ground. You've got to protect yourself. There was a major contractor in this area that made millions by cheating his sub contractors on major highway construction jobs here on the coast. He owed my father money for a job that father was a sub on from 1964 to the day father passed away in 1994. The legal fees to recover the money would have been more than the amount owed. This was his method of operation. Sub it out .. Stiff the sub contractors. When this contractor ordered material "cash up front" and 2000 ton of asphalt runs up a bill pretty quickly. No money, No honey. Jimmer, good luck and best wishes. Protect yourself. Nobody else will.