How many movies have you watched more then once

We are huge Harry Potter fans here. We have all the films and watch them all a couple times a year.
Us too. In fact, we have all the books on CD and listen to them when we travel.

Hollywood produces crap nowadays, so we rely on older movies. We have over 2000 on DVD.
Agree! On the rare occasion when we do go to a movie, we rate each upcoming movie's chance of success by watching the trailer. We are right about 95% of the time. Hollywood should hire us. We probably have 500 DVDs, but we have a good VCR and several hundred tapes. Every once in a while, we'll watch a tape.

I have seen hundreds of movies multiple times. The worst movie I ever saw was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. UGH, what a horrible movie. I pretty much like all John Wayne stuff and any WWII movie.