Danica Patrick Done

The sponsor gravy train ran dry, no surprise she's out of the ride. If she was a guy, she would have been gone from a ride 3 years ago.

She also stated she wanted to be in a competitive ride... hard to beat the stuff from SHR... LOL No big time team will take her on as she's proven over and over to not be competitive regardless of equipment.

I'd bet the post on YB are sarcastic. The people that think her being 28th in points and there are 20+ people worse are too stupid to realize she's always been in grade A equipment. The only guy below her that has been in decent equipment is Aric Almirola (likely headed to her old car) and he missed 7 fricken races (70ish points behind her).

Not a hater, she's just not cut out to drive a cup car.

Not a hater huh? Hmm...

It's easy to look at who is behind her in points and say she had the best equipment, but what about those who are just in front of her?

Here, I'll help with that:


Would you say these guys have just slightly better equipment? Or? If the "best equipment" argument were true, all these guys should be finishing within the top 15 or so every week...

With the exception of Dillon and Suarez, all of these dudes have been in the game for quite some time, and yet it seems as though lots of people look past how shitty they're doing to focus on DP. People also tend to forget how many times she got caught up in wrecks this season that were not her fault.

Look, in no way am I some Danica Patrick fan boy, (go BK2!) I'm just a fan of the sport. The sport needs fans right now and guess what, with Dale Jr leaving and now her out of a car next year, you'll continue to see Nascar's numbers drop. Love her or hate her, she was good for the sport, which let's face it, the sport needs all the help it can get right now (empty seats anyone?).