Danica Patrick Done

She is an unappreciative peace of work. Rahal plucked her out of a Formula Ford Series in the UK and put her in a Indy car and gave her a great opportunity. When she left and went to Penske, her comment was not thanks for my break but instead made a big deal that now I will have competitive equipment. Saw her at the Tampa race a year later with my daughter. She was just standing around the pits. Daughter asked to autograph a hat and you would think you asked her to cut off her arm. She could have been such a great roll model for young girls but in my opinion had just the opposite effect.
It's going to sound chauvinistic or misogynist or whatever the current term is, but most women are unappreciative, it comes from the sense of entitlement that the feminist movement has instilled in them. I work with women and it is getting worse with the younger ones. They will come out and say that "women are better than men at "(fill in the blank), but they will never demonstrate that they are better, it is just supposed to be accepted and set in stone that they are better. This isn't a rant, it is just an observation. I know it isn't all women , but most