Engine Is Out, Now What?

The engine ran beautifully before I started taking the car apart but I'm assuming that it burns oil because my aunt would always keep a quart of oil in the trunk. Thanks for your help!
Probably a good assumption. The timing chain is a good source of poor running if worn so that is a good suggestion. Taking the oil pan off is the easy way to R&R the timing cover to pan gaskets so I would do that and look in the pan for a lot of sludge or anything similar.

Sludge and crud in the bottom of the block will happen if the antifreeze got old and was never or rerely changed; that too is common. I pulled the block drain pug on my '62 /6 and nothing came out..... 'til I poked in the hole a while and finally broke through the 1+" of sludge in the bottom of the block!

And YES on the dual master cylinder. That is the only intentional non-original thing on my '62, and is for added safety. A '67 Coronet drum/drum MC fit right on and it is the right piston size to work with my earlier B-body brakes. (I have not thought out if it may best to have a different size on your early A-body.)