Electric fence....

I'm surveyor and you don't have to tell me about electric fences.
My work partner and I did a survey job one time using a steel 100 foot survey tape. He was in the lead and went to push the fence down to get over it and touched the fence. We found out very quick it was electric. We both got nailed.

Another time we worked on a job, I was down the behind the survey instrument and he went down a slope out of sight and I heard him yell . I called him on the radio to ask if he was alright he said he was and tell me what happened later. His voice sounded a bit weird. When he came back and told me he came across a barbed wire fence that had sagged and low enough to get his leg over it was electric too. Bet you can guess what part of his body got zapped. He said they felt like they would explode. The worst part his pants got snagged on the barbed wire too and couldn't get loose.