Sun Diagnostic Computer help needed

If the screen is dim it could be a few things...

1...You might be "overexpecting" it to be brighter. Might be normal

2...There is probably an intensity/ brightness control "somewhere." Might be in the back, behind a cover, or even must access the innards

3...Or the CRT could just be getting weak. There used to be "tv picture tube rejuvanators" of a few types. One was a sort of booster device that stayed on the set after install. Another was a test "instrument" that diddled with the CRT filament to try and get more life out of it

So far as software, remember, the machine has NO idea what it's hooked to. There is no communications port between those older cars. So probably it just displays timing, dwell, etc settings, and so on.

You can BUY a USB connected floppy drive. Might be worth it to examine the files on there. See if it will boot your computer. You might be able to make an image of a "selected" floppy, and edit out the proprietary menu. And........mebee not LOL