Electric fence....

Saw a full grown Percheron put on its *** from an electric fence.
Gorge was watching us do some fence repairs,including removing and replacing a section of top and bottom energized wires,which were off at the time.
So we finished up and reconnected fencer.
George goes up to fence and bites the top wire. Guess he figured we were touching it, why couldnt he?
Wonder what went through his mind after that....
I had a couple of wolf pups once, and couldn`t keep them in the yard. Raised the 4ft. chain link to about 6 ft. w/ barbed wire and put the top rail back on over that. The pups were still getting out. I then took an old elec. plug and wired the black wire to an insulated, (added) top wire , and the white I taped off. It didn`t use any electricity at all, until something touched it. The shortest haired one touched it w/ her nose, she never got close to the fence again. The long hared and prettiest one`s hair was so thick she would crawl thru it and it wouldn`t shock her. I ended up having to get rid of them. I didn`t leave the fence on at night , or when it rained , as I was afraid some one might get in to it. " DON`T RY THIS AT HOME, VERY DANGEROUS !"