We're Under Attack!

Speaking of mice... In a earlier life I was a big pothead. We had bought some pot and I wanted to keep a real big bud for emergency use, like when we were out. LOL. So me and my great thinking put it in a baggie, and then in the top dresser drawer.....LOL. Damn mice found it! When I had it 'squirreled' away for the rainy day, I found out the little varmints at the whole darn thing! Only thing left was the mouse eaten baggy. LOL And some sticks, but the leaf and seeds were ALL GONE!!! Had to be some stoned rodents around somewhere. LOL By the way, this was about 37 years ago. Probably older than a few of our members here.

BTW ... What do stoned mice eat when they get "The Munchies"? Twinkies? Like everybody else?:rofl: