72 Duster Resurrection

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Last night in my yard it was dark, it was muddy, and we got the Duster to start!

As promised, see below for a poorly lit, poorly angled video of a couple very tired but excited guys at the moment this slant 6 first started after over 3 years of sitting.

A very exciting night all around, thanks to everyone for their input!

Now its time to make a long list of everything that I need to do to get her ready to drive, but first a couple of things:

-The only way we were able to get it to turn over with the key is by making the following modification to the starter relay:


As far as I understand, by taking that terminal to ground, I am bypassing the neutral safety switch on the trans. Is that correct? So I should replace the NSS?...

-The engine idled nice and smooth while spraying the carb with regular gas, but the temp gauge steadly increase until it pegged out at over 250. We maybe ran for 2 mins like that before we noticed and shut it down. We had just filled the radiator with water and when we felt it, it was cold to the touch.

So that made me think I have a stuck thermostat, so I pulled off the thermostat housing, removed the thermostat (it was rusty looking). We turned over the engine with the thermo housing off to verify that the water pump was pumping and it was.

So we put the thermo housing back on, hooked the radiator back up, and fired the engine back up.

The radiator hoses and radiator started to warm up immediately, indicating that the water was now circulating, but the temp gage still showed a steady increase at idle until it pegged out, then we shut it down.

Any thoughts on those two things?

I cant wait to drive this baby!

PS, this was what the first gallon or so of "gas" looked like. We had disconnected the carb feed line and let it spray into that red paint can. Once it started running on starter spray, we switched to a spray bottle with regular gas in it.
