The PERFECT sleeper material....and it HAS a title!!!

Agreed the date should mean nothing. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Right? Wrong... Socially accepted correctness has changed over the ages. I'm pretty sure he means we know the world isn't flat, we don't burn witches and we don't execute scientists as heretics anymore just for starters.

Personally I took what you wrote as a joke. I didn't actually think you were gay bashing.

And it was a good video regardless of the outcome of the race.

The date is only relevant in that we know better now. The world is a bigger place now. We're on the internet, folks. The excuses are gone.

Personally I took what you wrote as a joke. I didn't actually think you were gay bashing.

Yeah...I know he was joking and I honestly don't think he meant any harm...but innocent or not, implied in this "joke" is a value statement. replace "gay" with "black" or "Christian" or whatever your religion is and see if it's still funny.

We're all free to complain about political correctness, we're free to think or say whatever we want...we're even free be giant a-holes in this world but don't be surprised or offended when someone calls you out on it.

It looks like @diymirage is handling this like an adult. Thank you for that.