Mopar Action magazine DISCONTINUED

I just confirmed with Rick Ehrenberg that Mopar Action is indeed still alive. Or, maybe more accurately, reborn. It will be published by Athlon Media Group, aka AMG/Parade. This is the outfit which bought the old Mopar Action from Harris Publications, and released a single issue about a year ago.

Rick said about the magazine publication: "Yes, 100% true, the first new issue will be out in late October, and it will be pretty much unchanged."

Mopar Action dot com is up and running with a link to a subscription site, and little else at this point.

I have no information about the honoring of any previous subscriptions with either Harris or Athlon, or if an e-subscription will be available. Athlon has several other magazines they publish, so I'd imagine they have the necessary distribution network to get Mopar Action in stores. It was the loss of such a network which Harris Publications claimed caused them to pull the plug in the first place.

I hope this is good news to some of you. It is to me. I re-upped for two years.
