92 CTD - Repurpose

being a 11' bed makes it perfect length, 8' for the ramp.
3' for a sleeper:
bought some 1" square tubing.
had rolls of sheet metal, haven't used in years,
recently acquired some 2 x 3 lumber ( ripped it down to 1 1/2" x 2"), 2 sheet of Styrofoam, don't know what I got those for. screws left over from wood projects.
As I look around at items to figure out what to do with them...
Remember, I'm trying to move after being here 25 years.
I FIND, more stuff, I Forgot I had..

On to the build>need a secondary exit (Just in case) cut the headache rack , to fit the window I found in an out building. the height of the window determined, the height of the shack....ended up @ 3' 6", I decided to use 4' height, make it easier to keep straight, plus the sheet metal is also 4' wide.
I used a ripped piece of wood as a guide To keep the screws in a straight line, and not miss the board under it.

