Kids nowadays

Got back just in time to get into my blue Chevron suit and hustle off to work. He pulled me out of a sand wash or two, I was just payin it back.

growing up i was big into dirbikes
a buddy drove a toyota 4X4 and we would go off roading together all the time

one day we got stuck in i dont know what
i got my dirtbike stuck first, and trying to pull that out my buddy got his toyota stuck

we were like a pair of dinosaurs in a tar pit...we were going nowhere

so, as a last resort we called my dad, who drove a landrover at the time
(wasnt the first time he had to come save us either)

so, i explain the whole thing, tell him where we are and dad says "sure, let me finish supper and ill be right over"
ok, i almost done?
and i could hear him grinning over the phone as he said, nope. your mom is just serving the soup

but, that was dad for ya
(and he did come to get us)