Mystery vibration at 25 mph can't be diagnosed. It's not the front end!

Killer6, I have brand new Kelley tires on the Crager Mags. Probably not the issue, but I am going to check the exact psi on the tires today just to be safe. I want to get everything lined up correctly with stance, then go from there. I found a drive line specialist in Springfield, Mo (40 miles from me) that can just make the B&T disappear, balance the shaft and go through the U joints. He quoted me approx $200 for the job. Might do that for peace of mind after I crawl around under the dart trying the washer trick. I'll know more after I drop that drive shaft and inspect the converter for any weights that might have dropped. Some converters are weighted according to a specialist I talked with. So, basically I'm going to line up propeller shaft to correct angle as directed by the official shop manual, translate the shaft aft with the washers on front B&T, replace shaft , drive. If problem goes away.... great! If, not I have talked to an auto trans specialist that knew the auto A-904 trans and will drive dart and make recommendations for free. He said some converters are waited. Can't hurt. That is the plan. We'll see. just takes time. I'm not buying anything until I feel safe under the car using jack stands. I'll use huge cardboard flat boxes, that I have, to scoot around on floor. I'll borrow torque wrench from auto parts store when I put the propeller shaft back in car.
Don't forget what I mentioned about the engine year, if it has been replaced by a '68 or newer mill, the crank register is too large for the '67 and down converter hub. Again,
this would be an engine speed, not vehicle speed related vibe, but w/o a hub-ring to center the converter it may cause some eng. vibes.