Kids nowadays

My son has chosen the path to the dark side,heavy duty mechanic. Dont know why, i told him to go learn to be an electrician.
He was 16/17 and was working on his atv. Desperate to get it running but too stubborn to ask for help. Worked until the wee hours and couldnt get his flywheel off. He got up early next morning, still mad. I asked. "Couldnt get the damn nut off " was his reply.
As i headed to shop i stuck my nose in the shed where he was working on it. It was a perfect cone shape, chewed it until nothing would grab it. Within 5 seconds i knew what his problem was,another 30 to get it off. Before he finished his breakfast, nut was on table beside him.
"How did you get it off" i replied had you asked me when the trouble started last night you would already know. Left hand thread. A good sharp punch and a couple whacks and off it came.