Kids nowadays

Back in 8th grade (1969) I had a crush on a 7th grade blonde "tomboy". About 8 yeats later, I finally got the nerve to ask her out. Took her to Fremont Raceway with my '65 four door Valiant bracket racer in tow. She helped me swap the tow tires for the ten inch slicks! A former high school classmate was asking where I found such an attractive pit crew member. The good night kiss was not half bed either.

i used to know a girl like that
i was 16 at the time, and my only means of transportation was a dirtbike
i had a honda of some sort, and was just buttoning up a big bore kit conversion
the bike had a cast aluminum intake manifold (for lack of a better word) between the reed cage and the carb

she came into the garage and i asked her to hand me the manifold
she pick it up of the workbench without even searching for it, held it up to the light and said "arent you going to port it...or at least get rid of some of this casting flash?"