80 & 85 mph speed limits

I recall driving at 100 MPH and higher on ice- covered roads in Wyoming in the late 1980s. I worked for RCA and they sent me there on a consulting trip for a secret government project. They hired a bunch of young PhDs and they lived in a farm house out in the boondocks of Wyoming. They had an antenna array that had a 150 mile diameter and their masts were shattering. They drove (while I followed in my rental car) at over 100 MPH on ice covered roads to show me their problem masts and I thought I was going to buy the farm more than once. Scary trip! They were not concerned with getting a speeding ticket.

A couple years back a friend and I were running from Jackson hole to SLC. Cruising speed was around 100 but the little Ford Focus could only reach 120. As soon as we got onto the interstate and around other cars we slowed it down the the speed limit. Ten minutes later we are sitting on the shoulder getting FIVE tickets at one time and not one was for speeding.