Nothing to laugh about

I know hundreds of folks who own plenty of guns, and none of them have ever hurt anyone. I wish uninformed people would quit blaming the guns.

Blame the lack of decent health care, and the fact that the psycho wards that used to house most of these maniacs, have shut down. The maniacs are on the street, and have been breeding for decades.

Society and our so called leaders are at fault.....plain and simple. There are hundreds of thousands of insane people walking the streets with nowhere to go and nothing productive to do.

I agree with the 2nd, and we need it now more than ever!

I guess it could be argued that anyone who would do such a crime is actually insane, but every once in awhile, there is someone who just turns out to be a killer.

There is also the sheep who realize that the gov that was Democratically elected and is supposed to look out for their best interests is in reality one of the wolves and they are getting tired and frustrated that no matter who we elect they end up being a liar and a thief for their own interests.
All this with NO WAY of trying to change it without being labeled a domestic terrorist.