Nothing to laugh about

Relating this incident to a gun problem is like relating 9/11 to an airplane problem.

9/11: zero guns used
Oklahoma city bombing: zero guns used.

If he'd driven a rental truck as far as he could and blown it up, he'd killed far more.

I don't approve of this any more than anyone else but fact is, there have been plenty of terror attacks around the world, even in Canada, that use no firearms.

This is a mental health problem, plain and simple.

Actually the government did more to keep crazys off planes than they do to keep them from owning guns (which is nothing).
So 1 airplane incident and now we have to go through checkpoints, cavity searches, no liquids, do not fly lists...... But after multitudes of mass murders by assualt rifle weilding crackpots.... Nothing !

I like guns but dont feel the need to own an AR15. I also like to blow things up but its against the law...