Nothing to laugh about

Deranged individuals will always go on destruction sprees and kill other people...and there isn't a damned thing that can be done if they suddenly snap or hide their mental illness.

Want to blame guns? Want to say it was easy access to them that caused the disaster?

No, they were used because they were one of a dozen choices to create mayhem. Not having access to them wouldn't have prevented it. The dude had the makings of fertilizer bombs in his house.

Imagine if the guns weren't available and he decided instead to use homemade fertilizer pipe bombs filled with nails and ball bearings. Launch a few dozen of those into a crowd of 20,000 from the 32nd floor and its hundreds dead...not dozens. Add in some Molotov cocktails and it's a massacre behond comprehension.

The point is that the problem isn't the weapons's the sick mind that decides to use them against innocent people with the intent to kill and destroy.