say you want to buy an electric car?

Lori and I have dreams of doing the solar panels. We are in Ontario and the.program is/was called "Microfit".
My exboss did it on his carpet mfg bldg. In his circumstances, 800 sq feet of usable rooftop.
Paperwork from start to the switch getting thrown took about 6 months.
1st cheque from Hydro I believe took 3 months after switch turned on. (Quarterly payments??)
Initial cost was $80 thousand. He took a line of credit against the business. Proposed paid in full in 8 years. Triple his money in either 20 or 25 years (cant remember which)
One stipulation is that the building cannot be for the sole purpose of the solar panels. House, existing garage etc.
He sells all the power back to them. They pay more then what they charge. Yep
Solar panels on our house. What is the cost of getting all of that set up and operational ? I would assume that there is maintenance and replacement costs eventually. If all of that is factored in how long does it take for cost recovery. Are they only looking at their monthly bill from the power company to think they have saved money? Just posing the question here . I do not have these answers.

I am in North Carolina. Duke energy has an offer that they will put solar panels on your. Home for no money down and the money you save will make your payment. I talked to them and was told I would need to cut down all of the trees in my back yard. So we are not doing that