Anyone used 3-D Printing to reproduce parts?

Typically, 3d printed parts lack structural integrity and cosmetic finish unless you print a billion of them resolving the issues, or spend mega coin on a badass printer.

Not sure the part you're talking about, but these are the two major caveats.
Shapeways Strong & Flexible Plastic 3D Printing Material Information - Shapeways will print in almost any material you want, including metals if necessary. For those cups, nylon would work well. It is pretty strong. I don't know what type of surface finish you require, but they will be a little rough. "Steps" in that material are about .005". Nothing some fine sanding probably won't fix. Or they can tumble polish the part for you. Now all you need is to find someone with a scanner and someone to transfer those scans into a CAD program so that the models can be printed. Good luck (especially finding a 3D scanner).