Nothing to laugh about

I am a big 2nd amendment proponent. Always have been. Always will be. But I have to say, the politicizing from both sides sickens me to death. Literally makes me want to vomit.

Everyday on Facebook I see memes about it. Frankly right now, I don't want to see a gun for a while. ..........and I usually carry one all the time. I still will, but I hate how everyone is stickin it in our faces and down our throats. Regardless of which side you are on, this is a terrible tragedy and should not be politicized.

The other side I see is just as sickening. The media's blatant lies. No way in hell one shooter did this. No way, no how. Anyone thinks that either has not watched all the available videos, or is some kinda new stupid.

Also, this is not he worst mass killing in US history. Can you say Oklahoma bombing? Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890? But see, neither of those fits the media's agenda so they ignore them.

Cain killed Abel with a rock. We gonna outlaw those next?