Nothing to laugh about

Every time something like this happens, the Liberals start complaining about gun control. Give me a break. I am VERY sad about this, and I feel VERY bad for all concerned, but if you take guns away from law abiding citizens, only the criminals, thugs and drug dealers will have them. You can't legislate against stupid, crazy people. If there were no guns, he might have gotten his hands on some explosives from a construction or mining site. Do we then legislate against construction explosives. If he made a bomb out of fertilizer, do we then legislate against fertilizer. The problem isn't the average person's access to guns, it is that crazy people will always find a way to hurt and kill others. If he had driven his SUV through the crowd, would we ban SUVs. You think law abiding citizens are the problem?? People can walk down the street at night in Billings Montana at night with no fear of being mugged because muggers and thieves know that practically everyone there is packing.