cranks but no spark at coil

I shoulda listened earlier in this thread and looked at reluctor better. I know before I installed bad distributor that I set gap to .008. I shoulda noticed at that point im not sure what the reluctor is made out of??
I removed and wirewheeled the one that is currently in truck.
Ribs are bruised from leaning over the fender lol. The 2 oil sensors right by the distributor dont make it easy either.
What a difference from car vs truck.
Neighbor came out as soon as it fired. Lol and yelled hallelujah
I'm guessing that's a powder metal product and the RP has dried out allowing it to pickup water and rust. Normally the center of the part is a lower density (softer) area in a PM part. That might explain the deeper chipping around the center.
Just sayin'.