Nothing to laugh about

Totally senseless act...... Condolences to the families.
Gun control is not going to solve it. The ban on assault weapons made no difference. I have lived on both sides of this fence. 20 years in an open carry state. In 20 years only heard of one car jacking at a stop light. The car jacker died in the street. And then in Md. Where when travelling, your piece needs to be unloaded, locked, ammo/clip placed somewhere other than within reach. Where there are some laws about protecting property with excessive force etc. One look at Baltimore puts it in perspective, and it's not "legal" guns doing it. Driving to John Hopkins Hospital is an adventure and a lesson in human nature.

There's a whole different world out there some have never experienced living a spoon fed silver lined existence. If you've ever had you're *** beat on a street corner walking home from work just because you were there, the opinion on personal protection would be different. Guaranteed.

Put a medical label on it when you give everybody a trophy just for showing up and wonder why they blow a gasket when they're emotionally ill-equipped to deal with disappointment and life's curve balls. Mental Illness is real, but some of this stuff could be avoided.
